Q & A
How often do I need to book appointments to maintain my cut?
Usually within 3 to 6 months. Believe me, your hair will tell you! If you are looking for a refresher between cuts, please check out my Halo cut. My halo cut will lift, balance, and reshape the crown of your head. This is a cut for returning clients only. It is for those desiring a little lift. Let’s face it, every girl with a curl needs a halo.
How important is clarifying my hair with a clarifying shampoo and how often should I use one?
Curly heads need to be clarified every 1 to 2 weeks. Especially if you use oil and butters (which I do not recommend). My favorite is Ouidad Water Works. It is a gentle, sulfate-free cleanser and is a good option for color-treated curls or anyone dealing with hard water deposits, chlorine, sediment in the water, and impurities. It is filled with citrus extracts that also help clarify the scalp.
Is there a special prep for my hair that I should do before arriving for my appointment?
Start by shampooing your hair with an oil-free/ butter-free clarifying shampoo. The shampoo will be labeled “clarifying” or ‘detoxifying”. IMPORTANT: NO Butters.
STYLE Please arrive with your hair clarified, PLEASE DO NOT use head wraps, ponytails, bobby-pins headbands, rubber bands, hats, clips, etc. on the day of your appointment. Your hair should be completely out and dry I need to see your natural curl pattern and how your hair falls to perform the cut properly. Please style it the way you normally wear it. Your curls should be as defined as possible using water and a light non-oil leave-in conditioner (optional). Please refrain from using products from anything that contains silicones, petroleum, lanolin, butters, or oils.
Do you only do curly Hair?
I do all types of hair. Straight hair as well as Curly.